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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
What I miss about Buffalo series: Margot Lane
What I miss about Buffalo, NY. By Margot:
Its clear when we all leave our home how the things we took for granted can mean so much, including a routine.
In the best and worst of all my jobs I never looked forward to going into work but the drive seemed so much better with Tim Horton's coffee and a maple dipped donut.
After I moved to LA to pursue a career as a musician I was not successful at finding a similar coffee, but I was successful in convincing family and friends to send me out some every month.
Buffalo has some of the greatest bars to meet your friends at and watch a Sabres Game. Out in LA, its not so easy trying to convince the waitress to turn the Lakers off and put on a Buffalo Sabres game, but, I find out a way to not miss a game.
In all, I miss the people- I miss family and friends that are so irreplaceable its heartbreaking. I have met many Buffalonians who come out to LA to pursue a career and they are the type that care for everything they work to achieve as if it could all slip away.
The friends, which I've worked with years ago or that have come to one of my gigs, have a sense and respect that is not a characteristic developed in any other place. In no other city can there be so much history and from no other city can so many people leave only to return someday to the very people they miss.
I left Buffalo to find more work only to want to bring all of the friends ( this means you Bob) that have been with my career since the beginning out to LA to enjoy what it has become.
As far as wings, I'm an Anchor Bar kinda girl.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Preposterously Cheap Plug
Congratz to all the winners!
Click Here!
What I Miss About Buffalo Series: Chris Nathan
What I miss about Buffalo I brought with me wherever I go. My life is now on the road doing buisness as well as playing shows on a National Level. So the biggest thing i bring with me is my pride.
Knowing, people in Buffalo work really fuckin hard for what they have on their table and in their homes. The pride that takes a little kid into a grown man in this world. I wear that on my sleeve every day and night and I'm proud to say that I'm from Buffalo NY, because of how we work.
By the way... I never miss a Sabres game... I get the games streaming on my phone, PS3 and TV. It's something i truly miss but luckily, through cyber world, i get to have that part of home with me for 9 months. I think it's time for us to make the run to the cup.
One more thing... Best Wings in Buffalo? ... Castaway's in Angola,NY- get the honey hot

Buffalo Niagara unemployment among lowest in the country.
New data shows that Buffalo's 7.7% unemployment rate is over 1.5% less than the national average, and puts it in the Top third for lowest unemployment in the nation.
Betcha wouldn't have guessed that.